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Affichage des messages du janvier, 2014

Food for thought

A lot of people think that everything will be awesome when they retire, without getting ready for it. It will just be magic. We live in debts, from paycheck to paycheck, without thinking that we could lose our job one day or have a huge emergency. We build our world on credit cards and “no payments for a year” to get things we can’t really afford, we have 78 monthly payments and we go through our pay like hot water thrown on stove. We say to ourselves, it’s ok, you only live once! Right? I’ve realized that being financially healthy doesn’t happen by luck,


Plusieurs personnes pensent que lorsqu’ils seront à la retraite, la vie sera meilleure de façon magique; sans vraiment prendre le temps de s’y préparer. On vit dans la dette, de paies en paies, sans jamais se soucier qu’un jour, nous pourrions perdre notre emploi ou avoir une grosse urgence. On se fie sur les cartes de crédits et sur les « ne payez pas avant   un an » pour obtenir des choses hors de nos moyens, on a 78 paiements mensuels et on passe au travers de notre argent comme un verre d’eau. Après tout, on ne vit qu’une fois n’est-ce pas?   J’ai réalisé récemment que la santé financière ne s’obtient pas par chance,

Another year to be better and do great things

So 2013 has passed, and I’m sure that holding on to your resolution list was hard, some even forgot about it.  I was debating if I wanted to even make a list this year since we rarely accomplish it. But 2013 has been a tough year and I’ve had to make some difficult choices. I want to carry on with these decisions and make sure that my life only gets better in all aspects from now on. So here there are! My resolutions for 2014. I don’t have a lot but they are big ones.