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Another year to be better and do great things

So 2013 has passed, and I’m sure that holding on to your resolution list was hard, some even forgot about it. 
I was debating if I wanted to even make a list this year since we rarely accomplish it. But 2013 has been a tough year and I’ve had to make some difficult choices. I want to carry on with these decisions and make sure that my life only gets better in all aspects from now on.
So here there are! My resolutions for 2014. I don’t have a lot but they are big ones.
  • Lose 30 pounds
Last year I decided that I had enough of being out of shape and I trained to run a 5km. I did it in 33 mins and I was sooo proud! At that point, I decided I wanted to lose 30 pounds by the time I reach 30. My birthday is in February and I only managed to lose 7 pounds, so it won’t happen, but I want to continue my quest back to health and lose those 30 pounds. Losing those 7 pounds was already hard, and my plan to run through winter has been shattered because of my lungs capacity; but I’m proud to have done that much and I will get to my goal so help me God! My plan this year is to run the 10km. 
  • Push and live my Total Money Makeover
I’ve finished Dave Ramsay’s book this week and I’m really pumped to get out of debt and start building wealth for us, but also for my kids and leave an inheritance of freedom to the next generations. I’ve calculated that starting now, we’d be totally debt free by December 2015. It’s going to be a rough 2 years, but I know it’s going to be worth it. I don’t want to be enslaved by debt anymore. I understand it’s going to require a lot of sacrifices at first, but then when we get to the top of that hill, I know it’s going to be glorious. I can feel it. 
  • Learn how to crochet; make a beanie, a throw, a cushion cover, baby shoes and a table runner
This is something I’ve been wanting to do for years, but first I was afraid people would think I’m weird… but I decided not to care what people think about me anymore! I think this is something that will give me a great feeling of accomplishment, teach me patience and relax me when I’m stressed. And it’s going to be a me project. 
  • Getting my hair to shoulder length
yeah... that is going to be hard one, but with  lots of love and the proper care, i know i can do it! right now my hair is just in the middle of my neck when it’s not stretched.
  • Finishing school
I have 3 classes left to finish my certificate in Human Resources. Working full time and studying is really hard, but I want to get it done this year and hopefully find a job in that field!
  • Keep my focus on Jesus
It’s so easy to get carried away and forget to put Jesus at the center of it all when life gets busy. But I need Him right in the middle of all my projects, my life and my marriage. I know I need Him and that He will be the source of any success I have and help me through hard times.

That’s it! What are your goals for 2014? Share and I’ll make sure I share my accomplishments with you guys! I hope this year brings you love, happiness and blessings from above!


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