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Drum Clinic with Eric Moore

Last November 3rd, we had an intimate clinic with Suicidal Tendacies’ drummer Eric Moore. We were no more than 40 people so it felt like a musician hang out. It was organized by Shiloh Musik, who had Adrian Bent come earlier this year.
Not only was the music awesome,

but I was struck by how easy going and honest he was. Being a Christian and playing for a band with that kind of name was shocking to me at first. But then, he put it this way: it’s a job and he’s called to represent God wherever he goes and whatever he does. And it seems like he’s doing just that: Representing!
He spoke about his techniques, what works for him and how he manages to be away from his wife months at a time. 
Another thing he said that marked me and that I could totally relate to is the fact that the most difficult place to play is in church! Yeah, church is a really good teacher of time, endurance and creativity; but it’s also a place where things get complicated and you can get deeply scarred.
They say that musicians are the worst Christians, but I think that the problem is usually that musicians don’t fit the mold of the “perfect Christian”. They get passionate about the music and some people think that it means they don’t care as much about God or the worship aspect of music. But to me it goes hand in hand! Why is it so acceptable to sing or play in the worship team when you don’t know how to? Where else in the world would you hear a person say before they sing: “my voice is not good, but I’m doing it for you guys!” Do you think that person would make any money?! Except for views on youtube because people would be laughing, that person would never get their message across. So why do we think that God is OK with mediocre music, because we’re doing it for Him? I think that doing things right is what He wants. I’m sorry but if you can’t hold a note, don’t ask to solo and don’t participate in the worship team. It’s not your place. I know that it might sound harsh to say, and that a Christian should accept everybody and everyone, but I can’t help but feel like we use that as an excuse not to give our excellent best to God. We rely on “oh He’ll understand!” or “God’s spirit will still move”! yeah, it will, because God loves us, but it’s no excuse not to force ourselves to offer the best we can.
Anyhow, I have to say that I felt privileged to meet him, especially since he had a death in his family just before the clinic. He could have easily canceled, but He still came and I feel like he gave us all he had. That made the night pretty special.
If you want to check him out, here’s his facebook
and below are pictures and videos from the night

Who’s your favorite musician? Should Christian musicians only play gospel? What’s your take on playing or singing at church when you don’t have the talent for it?


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